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Corporate assistance

См. также в других словарях:

  • Corporate advisory — refers to the activity of advising organisations, including corporations, institutions and government bodies, on mergers and acquisitions and other transactions that involve a change in ownership of a company or business. In investment banking… …   Wikipedia

  • Corporate law — (also company or corporations law) is the study of how shareholders, directors, employees, creditors, and other stakeholders such as consumers, the community and the environment interact with one another under the internal rules of the firm.… …   Wikipedia

  • Corporate development — refers to the planning and execution of a wide range of strategies to meet specific organizational objectives. The kinds of activities falling under corporate development may include initiatives such as recruitment of a new management team, plans …   Wikipedia

  • Corporate Living - BJ7 — (Калькутта,Индия) Категория отеля: 1 звездочный отель Адрес: House # 7, Block …   Каталог отелей

  • Corporate wiki — Wiki d entreprise Un wiki d entreprise (corporate wiki) désigne la mise en œuvre d un wiki dans une entreprise, notamment afin de favoriser la gestion des connaissances. Différences avec les wikis classiques La communauté concernée n’est pas… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Corporate Sponsorship — A form marketing in which a corporation pays for all of some of the costs associated with a project or program in exchange for recognition. Corporations may have their logos and brand names displayed alongside of the organization undertaking the… …   Investment dictionary

  • corporate welfare — financial assistance, as tax breaks or subsidies, given by the government esp. to large companies. [1990 95, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

  • corporate welfare — bus gov cor′porate wel′fare n. financial assistance, as tax breaks or subsidies, given by the government esp. to large companies • Etymology: 1990–95, amer …   From formal English to slang

  • corporate welfare — financial assistance, as tax breaks or subsidies, given by the government esp. to large companies. [1990 95, Amer.] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Federal & Foundation Assistance Monitor — Infobox Newspaper name = Federal Foundation Assistance Monitor type = Newsletter format = Online journal foundation = 1986 owners = CD Publications publisher = Mike Gerecht editor = Ray Sweeney headquarters = 8204 Fenton Street Silver Spring, MD… …   Wikipedia

  • Urgent Assistance — is the general name of an increasingly common fraudulent spam e mail, also known as an array of names, like New Message! .Existent since at least 2002, the e mail message is generally titled URGENT ASSISTANCE , and asks the Dear Sir/Madam ,… …   Wikipedia

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